
Pictured: Traditional herbal medicine used by Mursi nguerre healers in the Lower Omo Valley of Ethiopia

Image Credits: Sintayehu (LONMA)

As part of nurturing a participatory & democratized counter-archive grounded in the practice of storytelling, Sago Journal welcomes written, visual, audio, sonic and video submissions & stories almagamating at the intersections of art, ethnobotany, plant medicine, heritage, healing, ritual & spirituality.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Essays

  • Poetry

  • Prose

  • Interviews

  • Fiction & non-fiction writing

  • Photography

  • Original films & documentaries

  • Digital or material art-works

  • Artistic research

Please email your submission to

with the subject line "Submission" followed by your full name & submission title.

Please ensure to include a brief bio with your full name, chosen titles (photographer, filmmaker, writer, etc) country of origin(s), affiliation,

Please ensure that any audio file submissions are in mp3 format.

Please ensure that all visual submission (photo, video & moving image) are of the highest quality resolution and less than 20MB per image, submitted in jpg, .gif, or .png format.

Please ensure that your submission is not in violation of any copyright laws, and is accompanied with the appropriate licensing, citations & references- especially when using archival images.